White Star Real Estate

Award: Office Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: White Star Real Estate
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Brian Patterson
Countries in which company operates: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Russia, Romania
Short description of the company and team: White Star Real Estate is a highly respected real estate company with a first-class track record. It has completed over 50 projects in Europe including a large portfolio of landmark office buildings. White Star Real Estate is the real estate arm of White Star Group – a holding company established to provide management services, and to make real estate and provide equity investments in CEE.
Portfolio of all completed properties held by your company: AIG Amplico,8000;Saski Point,8000;Saski Crescent,15000;Riverside Park,12500;Grzybowska Park,10400;The Park Warsaw,110000;Radom Office Park,9700;White Square,74000;White Gardens,69700;KPMG,16000;The Campus,50000;The Park Prague,117000;Infopark Research Center,15000;Alkotas Point,23000;Haller Gardens,32000;The Quadrum,5900;IP West,27000;Campus M,27000;Lakeview Office Building,26000
Value of the projects (in EUR): n/a
Size of the projects (GLA): 650,000
Properties sold between November 2014 and October 2015: n/a
Projects completed between November 2014 and Ocotber 2015: The Park Warsaw, 3rd Building, 9,990 sq m
Value of the projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015, in EUR: n/a
Size of the projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015 (GLA): 9,990
Projects under construction: The Park Warsaw, 4th Building, 11,200 sq m
Value of the projects in progress (in EUR): n/a
Size of the projects in progress (GLA): 11,200
Projects in the pipeline: Silver Gardens, Class-A office project, 55,000 sq m
Please say why your company should be considered for the award: To date, AIG and White Star Partners have developed, or are in the process of developing, over 2 million sqm of real estate in CEE. White Star Real Estate office projects combine strategic and well-connected location with innovative design and unique landscape scheme, and realistic timing. The company develops high-quality office space with flexible, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly technical solutions. Class-A specifications anticipate the needs of modern businesses and scalable solutions. Adding ample on-site amenities such as restaurants, cafes, , fitness club and conveniences stores, White Star office projects helps make that elusive work-life balance a little more attainable. As a result of the many unique attributes of White Star office projects numerous renowned companies have chosen our buildings for their headquarters in the last year: British American Tobacco, Dodax, Sobieski, AkzoNobel, Small Planet Airlines, GoodYear, Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa.
Company website: www.whitestar-realestate.com


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