Award: Property Manager of the Year, Poland
Name of company: WeCare
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Kamila Zębik
Short description of the company : A property management company specializing in comprehensive commercial property management, especially office and retail buildings. Its experience encompasses 15 buildings in Poland and Romania.
Major clients: Nissan, Roche, Weltbild, Yamaha, Goodyear, Canal+, Cyfra+, Ricoh, Sodexo, Adidas, Velux, Reebok, FujiFilm, ING Group, Dalkia
Portfolio: 15 buildings of various types located in Poland and Romania
Please say why you should be considered for the award: In 2013 WeCare has been appointed as property management company for the multifunctional Plac Unii complex in Warsaw developed by Liebrecht & wooD and BBI Development NFI S.A. Plac Unii offers a total GLA of 56,800 sqm., including 41,300 sqm. A + class office space and 15,500 sqm. retail space.
Company website:


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