Award: Real Estate Construction Company of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Warbud
Managing Director or President in Poland or Division Head: Włodzimierz Włodarczyk
Short description of the company (relating to commercial real estate, not residential or infrastructure): Warbud - one of Poland's largest construction companies. Operating since 1989
Major current clients: Unibail-Rodamco, Golub GetHouse, Multi Poland, HB Reavis, Balmoral Properties, Bariela Investment, Hesa
Key projects constructed between November 2014 and October 2015: Biurowiec Pacific, Aquapark w Koszalinie, Małopolski Park Technologii Informacyjnych w Krakowie - dokończenie budowy
Projects under construction: Browar Lubicz, Forum Gdańsk, Prime Corporate Center, Wroclavia, Hotel Europejski, West Station, Forum Radunia
Projects in the pipeline: Net sales in 2014 totalled PLN 1 049 m
Please say why you should be considered for the award: It is also good to do it well. A job done well always pays. Thanks to this approach our firm has been ranked among the largest building firms in Poland for more than 20 years. We operate fairly and efficiently.
Company website:


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