visio architects and consultants

Award: Green Services Provider of the Year, Poland
Name of company: visio architects and consultants
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Rafal Schurma
Short description of the company : visio architects and consultants is the 1st company in Poland focusing on sustainable consulting in all 3 major rating schemes: LEED,BREEAM & DGNB, as well as sustainable architecture & product consulting. Several ongoing LEED consulting services in Poland (amongst them Baltic Park Molo project), large scale architectural projects like Nowa Huta Przyszłości in Cracow, City Square Oświęcim, Green Product Cards for Lafarge, Siniat, Activtec etc. Consulting on sustainable issues to the major polish architectural and construction companies like Horizone Studio or Budimex.
Major Clients: Zdrojowa Invest, Lafarge, Siniat, Activtek, Neonet, UM Kraków, UM Oświęcim
Projects completed: Biprohut Gliwice, Telrud, Śląsktel, HH Poland
Projects in progress: e.g.Baltic Park Molo
Company website :
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Recently Visio has been working on Green Product Cards – making intelligent choices about sustainable products even more user-friendly for local architectural and consulting companies. Behind the company are renowned individuals with great achievements, such as Rafał Schurma, and award winning projects, among which is ‘Nowa Huta Przyszlosci’ – the biggest architectural and urban design competition in Poland as well as 'City Square Oświęcim' and 'Koscierzyna Culture Park'and others
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