Vastint Poland

Award: Office Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: Vastint Poland
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Roger Andersson
Countries in which company operates: Poland
Short description of the company and team: Vastint Poland has been active on the Polish market since 1992. The company is part of the Inter IKEA Property Division, an international real estate organisation with over 25 years of experience. The cornerstones of the operations are the development, management and sales of portfolio properties, including commercial and residential real estate.
Portfolio of all completed properties held by your company: Swede Center 11,000 m2 Business Garden Warszawa (Phase I) 32,000 m2 Business Garden Poznań (Phase I) 42,000 m2 Gdynia Waterfront (Phase I)20,000 m2 Mera Hotel & Spa 12,000 m2 Brama Portowa 13,000 m2
Value of the projects (in EUR): not disclosed
Size of the projects (GLA): 130,000 m2
Properties sold between November 2014 and October 2015: None
Projects completed between November 2014 and Ocotber 2015: Business Garden Poznań (Phase I) 42,000 m2 Gdynia Waterfront (Phase I) 20,000 m2
Value of the projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015, in EUR: not disclosed
Size of the projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015 (GLA): 62,000 m2
Projects under construction: Business Garden Warszawa (Phase II) 56,300 m2 Business Garden Wrocław (Phase I) 37,500 m2
Value of the projects in progress (in EUR): not disclosed
Size of the projects in progress (GLA): 93,800 m2
Projects in the pipeline: Business Garden Poznań (Phase II) 38,000 m2 Business Garden Wrocław (Phases II&III) 72,500 m2 Gdynia Waterfront (Phase II) 70,000 m2 Riverside 23,000 m2 Portowo 240,000 m2
Please say why your company should be considered for the award: Vastint Poland is a market leading real estate development company with a clearly defined long term strategy to develop, lease and manage tenant friendly projects throughout Poland. We are an innovative and ambitious company with nearly 450,000 m2 of office, residential and hotel space in the pipeline. Our growing portfolio contains a diverse range of real estate assets that are home to market leading brands and corporations. Our tenants appreciate modern design specifications, outstanding construction standards and the prime locations of our premises. At Vastint we have a clear vision of how to develop the optimal urban environment and a detailed understanding of our tenants needs. We consistently search for and incorporate the most advanced technological, environmental and user friendly solutions, all of which are evident in our most recent projects.
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