
Office Developer of the Year, CEE

Name of company:


Countries in which company operates:


Name of president or managing director for the region:

Maciej Kotarski, Przemysław Kobza, Marek Krzysztofowicz, Mirosław Zalewski

Brief description of the company and team:

TPS is a real estate developer active in the office, residential and light industry sectors. TPS manages every project development phase: purchasing, planning, construction, lease and sale.

Why the company should be considered for the award: TPS is the main developer and leasing agency of the Olivia Business Center in the heart of the TriCity. OBC, the largest business and office centre in Northern Poland, is being developed over several stages, with a target total floor area of 120,000 sqm of modern class ‘AA’ offices. Currently TPS’s main projects include: Olivia Gate (completed in Q4 2011, 17,000 sqm gla); Olivia Point (to be completed in December 2012, 9,600 sqm gla); Olivia Tower (to be completed in December 2012, 14,200 sqm gla); and Olivia 4 (project duration 2012–2013, 30,000 sqm gla). Tenants already operating from OBC in 2012 include Bayer, Business Link AIP, Energa, Goyello, PKO BP, PwC, Sii, Starbucks and Tax Care.

Company website:


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