Award: Tax & Financial Consultancy of the Year, Poland
Name of company: TPA Horwath
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Wojciech Sztuba, Krzysztof Kaczmarek, Tomasz Ożdziński
Short description of the company and team: TPA Horwath is one of the leading real estate consulting companies in Europe and a member of Crowe Horwath International - the ninth largest global group of consulting and auditing companies.
Major clients: DEKA, Union Investment, Raiffeisen, S+B, Credit Suisse, Warimpex, Point Park Properties, Europa Capital, Commerz Real, AXA Real Estate, Strabag, Pramerica, Balmain, Valad, Uniqa, Erbud, Redevco and many others
Major projects: Our extensive expertise in the field of real estate encompasses in particular tax optimization of investment and financing decisions, transaction services, including structuring, financial & tax due diligence, as well as assistance in respect of valuation, audit, bookkeeping and tax compliance.
Value of transactions on the real estate market the company participated in.: We supported 31% of the value of properties traded in 2012 and over EUR 3 billion in total. In the current year we assisted Union Investment in EUR 120m acquisition of Senator Office Building from Ghelamco and undertaken various restructurings for other Clients that need to remain confidential.
Please say why your team should be considered for the award.: TPA Horwath has strong regional presence with over 1,000 consultants in Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Romania and Hungary. Our activity focuses not only on the commercial real estate sector, but also extends to construction and residential. Horwath HTL, a company member of our group, offers specialized advisory services for the hotel and tourism sector. TPA Horwath won Europaproperty CEE Retail Real Estate Award as “Tax & Financial Adviser of the Year“ for 2009, 2011 and 2012 and „Professional Services Provider” for 2012 as well the IMMOBILIENMARKEN AWARD® 2012 as “Best Real Estate Consultant”. The company was also already nominated for the Eurobuild CEE Awards in ”Tax and Financial Consultancy of the Year - Poland” category.
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