The sale of portfolio of our four office buildings: Kapelanka 42 (A) and Axis - located in Krakow as well as Silesia Business Park (A and B) - located in Katowice by Skanska Property Poland to the Swe

Award: Investment Deal of the Year, CEE
Name of the deal: The sale of portfolio of our four office buildings: Kapelanka 42 (A) and Axis - located in Krakow as well as Silesia Business Park (A and B) - located in Katowice by Skanska Property Poland to the Swedish Niam fund.
Value of the transaction (in EUR): 160 M
Yield: n/a
Seller, plus brief information about the company: Skanska Property Poland is an innovative developer of green office buildings. The company has been operating in Poland since 1997.
Consultancy which advised Seller: CBRE, Colliers International, Dentons
Purchaser, plus brief information about the company: Niam, founded in 1998, is a leading private equity real estate firm in Northern Europe. Niam head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden.
Consultancy which advised Purchaser: Arcadis, Linklaters
Financing institution: Helaba
Current occupancy level: Kapelanka 42 A: 92% Axis: 50% Silesia Business Park A: 80% Silesia Business Park B: 50%
Please say why this deal should be considered for the award: The sale of the portfolio is an important step in the business activity of Skanska Property Poland. The transaction broke several records on the transaction market in CEE region. The sale of portfolio of four office buildings located in Katowice and Krakow by Skanska Property Poland to the Swedish Niam fund was the largest sales transaction conducted this year in the CEE office market and the largest transaction in the history of Skanska's activity in this region. According to Colliers International, this transaction was also the largest in the history of regional cities in the CEE region.  Skanska Property Poland declared the four buildings up for sale in March 2015.  The deal was completed in October 2015.  The total area of four office buildings is 63 000 sqm GLA.


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