

Office Developer of the Year, CEE

Name of company:


Countries in which company operates:


Name of president or managing Director for the region:

Roger Andersson

Brief description of the company and team:

SwedeCenter is a real estate investment and development company which has been active on the Polish commercial real estate market since the early 1990s. The company is part of the property division of Inter IKEA Group. SwedeCenter represents more than 20 years of expertise and integrity in real estate investment and development.

Why your company should be considered for the award: Over the past 20 years, SwedeCenter has and is planning to develop over 600,000 sqm gla in commercial properties. The company remains a respected developer of offices, hotels and residential projects, yet is always striving to enhance its business performance. The company has a clear and innovate vision of optimal urban environment focusing on customers’ needs and the implementation of effective technology in combination with sustainable solutions. This approach is reflected in its latest projects.

Company website: www.swedecenter.pl


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