
Award: Office Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: SwedeCenter
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Roger Andersson
Countries in which company operates: Poland
Portfolio : SwedeCenter, UBC I & II, Cracovia Business Center, Brama Portowa I & II, Business Garden Warszawa (Phase I)
Value of the projects: n/a
Size of the projects (GLA): 115 000 SQM (Build & Sold)
Short description of the company and team: SwedeCenter is a real estate investment and development company.The company was established in '92to expand the commercial real estate activities in Poland of the Property Division of Inter IKEA Group
Please say why your company should be considered for the award: Properties: •SwedeCenter – •Business Garden Warszawa (Phase I) •Brama Portowa I&II (2012) •Mera Spa Hotel (2012) Projects under construction: •Business Garden Poznań (Phase I) •Gdynia Waterfront I (Phase I) Projects under development: •Business Garden Poznań (Phase II) •Business Garden Wrocław (Phase I) •Portowo (Phase I) Properties sold: •N21 •University Business Center I&II •Cracovia Business Center Additional Information: LEED Certification: Business Garden Poznań – LEED Gold precertification (January 2012) Business Garden Wrocław – LEED Gold precertification (August 2013) Brama Protowa – LEED Gold certification (September 2013) Business Garden Warszawa – certification in progress
Company website: www.swedecenter.pl


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