Spółka Doradztwa Podatkowego Ożóg i Wspólnicy sp. z o.o.

Award: Tax & Financial Consultancy of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Spółka Doradztwa Podatkowego Ożóg i Wspólnicy sp. z o.o.
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Paweł Tomczykowski
Short description of the company and team: Ozog & Partners established by former Vice Minister of Finance provides bespoke tax advisory services to demanding clients. The firm is most recognised for its tax planning and optimisation practice.
Major clients: confidential under non-disclosure agreements
Major projects: Ozog & Partners is often involved in large-scale tax planning projects comprising transfers of high-value assets, including real estate, allowing to achieve considerable tax savings to clients. Project highlights are listed below
Value of transactions on the real estate market the company participated in.: I. at PLN 1 billion II. at PLN 200 million III.at PLN 150 million
Please say why your team should be considered for the award.: Ozog & Partners was involved in a tax optimisation project involving the transfer of a shopping mall for the purpose of achieving tax benefits. The overall floor surface of the transferred property exceeded 100.000m2 and its value was approximated at PLN 1 billion. O&P also assisted a major Polish real estate development company in a PLN 150-million transaction involving a 81.000m2 piece of real estate. We have also provided our services to a local government unit in connection with a transaction concerning a plot of land valued at PLN 200 million.
Company website: www.ozog.pl


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