SPIE Polska Sp. z o.o. known as HOCHTIEF Facility Management Polska Sp. z o.o.

Award: Facility Management Company of the Year, Poland
Name of company: SPIE Polska known as HOCHTIEF Facility Management Polska Sp. z o.o.
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Artur Tomczyk - CEO, Małgorzata Wilczek - Sales and Marketing Director
Short description of the company : SPIE Polska Sp. z o.o., formerly known as HOCHTIEF Facility Management Polska, with its 332 employees provides technical maintenance and advisory services for more than 150 buildings throughout the country with a total area over 2.5 million sqm.
Major clients: MGPA, PROLOGIS, ALLCON, EUROSTYL, FAURECIA, SAB Miller, SEB, Union Investment, Det Norske Veritas, DEKA, AIG Lincoln
Portfolio: Office buildings, warehouses, industry and retail, total over 150 diversified projects owned by local and foreign investors, single projects and whole portfolio management
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Following its strategy, in 2013 the company has focused on advisory services to investors/developers relating to the green building (LEED and BREEAM) technical requirements at each project stage. It created new products, such as engineering consultancy during DD, complex analysis of building energy consumption with a presentation of optimization and cost saving models, supporting investors during the takeover of projects from GC and in using the most efficient technology for the buildings, warranty management on behalf of investors. The team was deeply engaged in several projects in the area of sustainable development with other market leaders. As a maintenance provider, we implemented the highest European environmental, health & safety and management standards.
Company website: www:http://www.spie.com.pl


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