Award: Real Estate Construction Company of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Skanska S.A.
Managing Director or President in Poland or Division Head: Krzysztof Andrulewicz - President of the Board
Short description of the company (relating to commercial real estate, not residential or infrastructure): Skanska S.A. is present in almost all market segments through its units throughout Poland. In total, Skanska realized over 1,300 contracts in 2014. Among them were many commercial real estate projects executed for repeated clients, delivered always on time and in accordance with highest quality standards. Skanska is also promoting green and is ready to execute LEED certified projects.
Major current clients: Skanska Property Poland, Jeronimo Martins, Lidl, Volvo, ArcelorMittal, Leroy Merlin, Comarch
Key projects constructed between November 2014 and October 2015: Projects for Skanska Property Poland: Kapelanka 42 in Krakow, Silesia Business Park in Katowice, Kompleks Dominikanski in Wrocław. For external clients: La Lorraine warehouse in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, Trade and exhibition center in Bydgoszcz
Projects under construction: For Skanska Property Poland: Axis in Kraków, Maraton in Poznań, Atrium 2 in Warsaw, Silesia Business Park - building C in Katowice, Nowa Fabryczna in Łódź; for external clients: Office building for Comarch in Łódź, storage center Imola in Leszno
Projects in the pipeline: We can't disclose such information due to information rules
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Skanska is one of the most innovative companies on the Polish building market. While developing its projects, Skanska S.A. uses, among others, technology of land laser scanning, Building Information Technology (BIM) and drones. Year 2014 was the sixth consecutive year when Skanska S.A. increased its share on the building market. Compared to 2009, this share grew almost by half. Skanska S.A. focuses on local presence and development of regional units. Furthermore, the company has structures operating in almost every county in Poland. In 2014, Skanska S.A. signed nearly 1,000 agreements with both public and private clients. It is one of the few construction companies developing consistently for numerous years and independently from the economic situation.
Company website:


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