Skanska Commercial Development Europe

Award: Green Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: Skanska Commercial Development Europe
Name of President or Managing Director for the region : Nicklas Lindberg
Countries in which company operates : Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania
Sectors in which company operates: Office Development
Brief company description: Skanska Commercial Development Europe (CDE) is part of globally renowned Skanska Group, responsible for commercial development projects in Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania.
Portfolio of certified projects: Green Corner – LEED Platinum, Green Horizon II – LEED Gold, Green House – LEED Platinum, Green Towers II – LEED Platinum
Projects in progress : Atrium 1, Malta House – LEED Platinum pre-certified; Dominikanski , Green Day, Kapelanka 42 Riverview, Green Court Bucharest – LEED Gold pre-cert ified
Company website:
Please say why your company should be considered for this award: Skanska Commercial Development Europe, a pioneer in innovative green solutions on the CEE office real estate market, continuously sets new business standards in terms of sustainability. The company project, Green Corner, was awarded the first in Warsaw LEED Core & Shell certificate at the highest Platinum level and same for Green House in Hungary. All of Skanska’s buildings undergo LEED & EU GreenBuilding certification, confirming their water and energy effiency. By the end of 2013 Skanska will finish construction phase of its flagship project - Atrium 1 in Warsaw, which will be the greenest office building in CEE thanks to cutting-edge sustainable technologies including a geothermal system of heating and cooling. Atrium 1 project will achieve an unprecedented 55% energy savings and 70% water savings compared to reference building. It will result in a significant cost savings for its tenants.


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