Skanska Commercial Development Europe

Award: Office Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: Skanska Commercial Development Europe
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Nicklas Lindberg
Countries in which company operates: Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania
Portfolio : 10 projects in 8 cities
Value of the projects: 345 M EUR
Size of the projects (GLA): 200 000 sqm
Short description of the company and team: Skanska Commercial Development Europe (CDE) is part of globally renowned Skanska Group, responsible for commercial development projects in Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania.
Please say why your company should be considered for the award: 2013 has been a strong year for Skanska Commercial Development Europe. The company cemented its presence in the new market, Romania, by laying a cornerstone under Green Court Bucharest. In its largest market - Poland, CDE unit sold Green Day half a year before construction completion and started fourth project in Wrocław – Dominikanski, which will offer 40 000 sqm of both office and retail space. This year, Skanska rolled-out a new policy of ‘Workplaces by Skanska’, which is a new way of positioning our commercial development offer. The company emphasizes four principles in this philosophy at the design, construction and fit-out phases: Work Environment, Place Making, Tenant Profitability and last but not least – Green Solutions.
Company website:


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