Savills Property Management

Award: Property Management Company of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Savills Property Management
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Michał Muc, Director, Head of Real Estate Management Services
Short description of the company : Savills Property Management team comprises of 40 staff and manages 13 commercial real estate in Poland for funds and investors. Our duties include: proactive tenant relationship management, regular reporting, account management, selection and monitoring of subcontractors, advice on refurbishment and revitalization, planning and commissioning of advertising and marketing.
Key current clients: Winston (Galeria Corso), Raiffeisen evolution (Ferio Wawer), Galeria Neptun, Resolution (Galeria Pomorska), Antan Development (Boleslawiec City Center), GRP (Morski Park Handlowy), Reino Partners (Malta House), Grycan (Hieronimus), Rockspring (Atrium IBC), Commerz Real (Tulipan House, Harmony Office Center), Azora, (Mokotów Plaza), CDP (Iris).
Key projects your company worked on between November 2014 and October 2015 : Since November 2014 Savills has acquired 3 shopping centres (Galeria Corso, Galeria Neptun and Ferio Wawer) to its management portfolio and prepared and executed 3 openings of new shopping centres, which proves to be an unique achievement. Galeria Pomorska managed by Savills was completely redeveloped and enlarged to 40,000 sq m while continuously being open for customers. During last 6 months Savills team took over 2 office buildings - Atrium IBC in Warsaw and Hieronimus complex in Wrocław.
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Savills Team currently manages 6 shopping centres and 7 office buildings; works with 350 tenants on behalf of 12 landlords. Our portfolio and management offer is versatile as we manage properties owned by various investors in both office and retail sectors. This diversity is our asset and a proof of our professional experience. During the last 2 years PM department acquired 9 (!) new landlords - both local entrepreneurs and big international funds. We are the fastest growing PM company in Poland. Our scale allows us, from one side to offer all possible synergies and bulk tenders and from the other, we are hand-on, close to the client and their properties.The key to success is our team expertise, deep knowledge of the market, proven procedures and enthusiasm we are showing towards our work.
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