Award: Tax & Financial Consultancy of the Year, Poland

Name of company: PwC

Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Brian O'Brien, partner; Kinga Barchoń, Director
Brief description of the company and team: A company that speaks “real estate in your language”, possessing an extensive knowledge, expertise and a geographical spread. With nearly 169,000 people worldwide it delivers high quality to its clients.

Why team should be considered for the award.: PwC has 26 offices in nine countries, and in 2012 provided services on over 33 deals with property worth nearly EUR 3.5 bln, about half of which concerned retail properties. Its CEE offices have been active for over 20 years. Tha company’s roots date back to 1849.
In 2012 it published several reports, such as ‘Emerging Trends in Real Estate Europe 2012’ and specialised publications on sale, leaseback and latent capital gains tax. It provides a wide range of direct real estate advisory services (vendor assistance, financial, commercial and tax due diligence, valuations, tax structuring, company restructuring, etc.) as well as tax, assurance and legal services for the real estate market to corporate, institutional and public sector clients, both domestic and international. Its portfolio of top league clients includes Atrium, Allianz Real Estate, Heitman, PZU AM, Kulczyk Silvestein, PZU AM, Blackstone, RREFF, Pramerica, AXA Real Estate Investment Managers, Unibail Rodamco, Invesco, Aviva and Tristan Capital, among many others

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