Purchase of Malta House in Poznan and Alchemia I in Gdańsk, Poland by JV of Bluehouse and REINO Partners

Award: Investment Deal of the Year, CEE
Name of the deal: Purchase of Malta House in Poznan and Alchemia I in Gdańsk, Poland by JV of Bluehouse and REINO Partners
Value of the transaction (in EUR): ~EUR 90 m
Yield: VND
Seller, plus brief information about the company: Skanska (Malta House), Torus (Alchemia I)
Consultancy which advised Seller: Dentons (Malta House), Cliford Chance (Alchemia I)
Purchaser, plus brief information about the company: REINO Partners is an independent business venture specializing in property asset and fund management in the CEE region.
Consultancy which advised Purchaser: GreenbergTrauring/CMS, Arcadis (Malta) DIL (Alchemia I)
Financing institution: Malta House: BZWBK, Alchemia I: ING
Current occupancy level: 100%
Please say why this deal should be considered for the award: The deal is an interesting joint venture structure between Polish equity managed by REINO Partners and international equity managed by Bluehouse Capital Advisors. Both acquisitions have been done in the same week of August from two different purchasers and financed by two different banks. Both buildings represent class A office projects in regional cities certified at the highest LEED Platinum level. The deal has been done in 4 months since signing LOI including equity and debt raising, due diligence and final closing.


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