purchase of Focus Mall, Bydgoszcz, Poland

Award: Investment Deal of the Year, CEE
Name of the deal: purchase of Focus Mall, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Value of the transaction (in EUR): 122 000 000
Yield: not applicable
Seller, plus brief information about the company: Aviva Investors, a company offering investment services
Consultancy which advised Seller: not applicable
Purchaser, plus brief information about the company: Atrium - a leading owner, operator and developer of shopping centres in Central and Eastern Europe
Consultancy which advised Purchaser: CBRE
Financing institution: the own funds of the company
Current occupancy level: 98% of mall’s GLA is now occupied
Please say why this deal should be considered for the award: Buying a new facility was in line with the strategy of the Atrium Poland, whose aim is to gain a leading position in its key markets by acquiring reputable, profitable shopping centers in major Polish cities. The acquisition of Focus Mall helped Atrium expand portfolio with another leading modern shopping center, according to a strategy of gradually acquiring established, profitable buildings in the economically strongest countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This fact helped enrich the portfolio of income properties, and opened Atrium the way for achieving the fundamental goal, which is to take up the position of the dominant owner and operator of shopping centers.


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