Award: Warehouse Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: Prologis
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Ben Bannatyne
Countries in which company operates: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary
Short description of company: The leading provider of industrial space in CEE and the largest regional portfolio of 4.3 mln sqm in 43 parks.In 2015 we had the highest number of industrial buildings delivered/under construction across CEE, increased our portfolio occupancy to 94% and acquired 6 assets totaling 94,000 sqm.Over the last 24 mths we've increased our portfolio size by 800,000 sqm through development & acquisitions.
Portfolio of all completed properties held by your company:: 217 buildings in 43 distribution parks across Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary including 54 acquired buildings.
Value of the projects (in EUR): €2,28 bln
Size of the projects (GLA): 4.3 mln sqm
Properties sold between November 2014 and October 2015: PPBucharest A1 (4 buildings) totalling 107,000 sqm - the binding agreement is currently subject to customary closing conditions
Projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015: 9 buildings of 197,300 m² (6 speculative) delivered CR 1) 31,190 m² Prague-Airport DC2, BTS for CERVA 2) 29,920 m² Prague-Airport DC1, spec 3) 31,730 m² Prague-Jirny DC5, BTS for 4) 12,340 m² Prague-Jirny DC7, BTS for Demoautoplast SK 5) 23,660 m² Bratislava DC7B/C, spec 6) 5,886 m² Bratislava DC13, spec PL 8) 27,648 m² Szczecin DC3A, spec 9) 18,544 m² Wrocław V DC8A, spec 6 buildings of 94,000 m² acquired: 1) 69,000 m² M1 Business Park 2) 25,000 m²West Gate Park Rudna
Value of the projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015: n/a
Size of the projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015 (GLA): 291,300 sqm =197,300 sqm (development) + 94,000 sqm (acquisitions)
Projects in progress: buildings totaling 73,300 sqm: 1. 28,827 sqm - Prague-Jirny DC4B, BTS for Globus 2. 25,414 sqm - Bratislava DC9, BTS for BMW 3. 19,190 sqm - Bratislava DC10b, spec
Value of the projects in progress: n/a
Size of the projects in progress (GLA): 73,400 sqm
Please say why your company should be considered for the award.: In 2015 Prologis developed the highest number of industrial buildings in CEE - 9 facilities totaling nearly 200,000 sqm out of which 6 were speculative developments which are already 51% let. 73,000 sqm currently under construction include BTS projects for BMW and Globus and one speculative facility already 75% leased. In 3 quarters only we leased 1.3 mln sqm of space and maintained approx. 84% of customer retention rate. We received 5 BREEAM accreditations for the buildings delivered this year including two “Excellent” ratings - the highest and first ever received by the industrial developer in the region. We constantly invest in our existing portfolio. This year only we introduced new projects to increase the operational efficiency of our parks, incl: Vehicle License Plate Reading System and Smart Metering Technology.
Company website:


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