Award: Warehouse Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: Prologis
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Ben Bannatyne
Countries in which company operates: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania
Portfolio: A class industrial space
Value of the projects: 1.66 bln Eur
Size of the projects (GLA): 3.6 mln sqm
Short description of company: Prologis is the leading owner, operator and developer of industrial space in CEE with a 16 year market experience and the largest regional portfolio of 3.6 mln sqm in 36 parks worth €1,66 bln.
Please say why your company should be considered for the award.: DELIVERED PROJECTS: 3 BTS facilities totaling 43,100 m² completed on time and within budget 1) 18,300 m² for Tradis in DC3 in Prologis Park Wroclaw V 2) 17,800 m² for Neonet in DC 2 in Prologis Park Wroclaw V 3) 7,000 m² for Rohlig Suus Logistics in DC3 in Prologis Park Janki PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION: 3 BTS facilities totaling 70,900 m² 1) 35,000 m² for Eko Holding in DC4 in Prologis Park Wroclaw V 2) 22,000 m² for DHL and Mattel in DC5 in Prologis Park Prague D1 West (started as a spec facility) 3) 13,900 m² for Tomra in Prologis Park Bratislava €2.4 BILLIION JOINT VENTURE (Prologis European Logistics Partners Sàrl), with Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) – acquisition of 4.5 mln m² (195 facilities owned by Prologis) in Europe including 60 properties of 1.2 mln m² from CEE portfolio LEASING RESULTS: 754,700 m² leased till Q3 2013 including 244,000 m² of new leases and15-year lease contract signed for 35,000 m² with Eko Holding in Prologis Park Wroclaw V
Company website:;


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