Jury Awards

Closing of tranche 2 of the M1 transaction
The second tranche of the M1 portfolio, which was closed in June 2019, included the Bytom, Czestochowa, Radom and Poznan M1 shopping centres totalling 141 000 sqm GLA, NOI of 15 mln euro and 100% occupancy for 224 mln euro. These are well-established properties with a 20-year track record, supported by strong anchors: Auchan, CCC, OBI and Media Markt. They’re located on large sites and catchments with over 200 ha of land on sites and with ample parking.

Earlier, on 11 October 2017, the EPP signed an PSPA for the acquisition of larger portfolio of 12 shopping centres and power parks with the Chariot Group and the Chariot Top Group. The assets aggregated value is 692.1 mln euro. The acquisition has been divided into three tranches. The first tranche was successfully concluded in January 2018, tranche 2 in June 2019 with tranche 3 expected in June 2020.

The M1 portfolio comprises 12 dominant retail properties with a total of 446 500 sqm GLA and over 620 stores situated in densely populated catchments which are complementary to EPP’s existing assets.
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