The Popular Choice Awards

Fundacja Virako Szczęśliwe Podwórka
Virako Company, which is one of the appreciated polish developers, since the beginning of its existence, apart of its business activity, engages itself in various non-profit actions. Foundation Virako Szczęśliwe Podwórka is an outcome of many years of charity work conducted by Virako. In 2015 Foundation took over a specialized caring facility existing by the Saint Anne’s Congregation, so it could continue its functioning At the moment facility employs: 4 educators and facility manager, cooperates with 2 psychologists, social employee, 2 sport trainers, 5 volunteers and other nongovernment organizations, whose activity is similar to the one conducted by the Virako Foundation and facility itself.
The annual budget of the Foundation is 250 000,00 PLN.
Virako Foundation's activity is based mainly on funds from the Founder, the Virako Company.

Facility takes care over about 50 children (there is a presence rotation), who apart from support in everyday functioning receive warm meal and the possibility to build relationships with other children (their peers). Important to mention is also the opportunity to derive behavior patterns from adults working in the facility. These patterns often lack in their own background. Most of the facility pupils comes from dysfunctional families, endangered by the alcoholism and unemployment.

Worth mentioning is that in the year 2015/2016 Foundation granted scholarship for young and skilled pianist. Foundation financed renovation and the purchase of the furniture to the sociotherapist room in Świetlica Podwórkowa, facility conducted by Centrum Wsparcia Terapeutycznego in Lodz, situated on 54 Pomorska Street.

The Foundation is involved in numerous, various projects that aim to develop interests and passions of its pupils. Examples of such projects are:
- economical project organized in partnership with Bank Foundation
- holidays and day camps organized for facility pupils
- financial support in organizing Games for youngsters
- financial support to program developing student participation in international creativity competition