
Office Developer of the Year, CEE

Name of company:

Countries in which company operates:


Name of president or managing director for the region:

Bartosz Puzdrowski

Brief description of the company and team:

Polnord is one of the largest and most experienced Polish development companies. It has been active on the market for over 30 years. Currently the company is listed on the WIG-80 index.

Why the company should be considered for the award: Polnord has thirty years of experience in business investment and development, and is thus able to adapt quickly and flexibly to market requirements. Polnord conceived the highly acclaimed Miasteczko Wilanów, a unique urban project. As a part of it Polnord is now developing the highly successful Wilanów Office Park – the first office complex in Wilanów that places the district as the newest office location in the city. This unique investment consists of eighteen low-rise office buildings with 140,000 sqm of leasable space surrounded by vast green areas. 50 pct of the total area will be landscaped, while modern and energy saving technologies will create excellent working conditions. Currently there are three completed buildings: ‘B1’, fully leased to Pol Aqua, ‘A’, fully occupied by Asseco, and ‘B3’.

Company website:


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