PKO Bank Polski

Award: Financing Provider of the Year, Poland
Name of company: PKO Bank Polski
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Ilona Wołyniec, director of the structured and project finance department
Short description of the company, including which sectors you operate in in Poland : PKO Bank Polski is a leader in Polish bank sector,the largest bank in CEE.It supports retail, corporate, investment segment.It is a lender in real estate and leading mortgage provider for flat buyers.
Please say why you should be considered for the award: PKO Bank Polski has financed major investment projects, engaged in restructuring and recovery processes and has supported regional development. Traditionally it is dedicate to retail customers and it has still retained its strong position in the housing loans on the retail market. Over the years it has become also a corporate finance leader of the Polish market. Its largest lending transactions have involved investment financings entitled to many sectors. For years now, its investment & corporate segments have participated in projects of dominant importance for the entire Polish economy. PKO Bank Polski is predictable and reliable partner on real estate financing market. It is always ready to use the individual and flexible financing structures.
Value of transactions in the real estate market: In recent months, PKO Bank Polski granted construction and investment loans, among others, for the following office assets: Ghelamco – Warsaw Spire (EUR 60 mio), Hazel Investments – Royal Wilanów (EUR 61,2 mio); for the retail projects: 2nd phase of Gemini Park Bielsko-Biała (EUR 25,5 mio) and Libra Project 2 – Galeria Warmińska (PLN 240 mio) which should be closed till the end of 2013.
Portfolio of credit transactions: 165 credit transactions with a single value of more than PLN 10 mio.
Value of credit and refinancing for shopping centres: Value of transactions for shopping centres and warehouses: approximately PLN 4 649 mio (single value of transaction more than PLN 10 mio).
Value of credit and refinancing for offices: Value of transactions for offices: approximately PLN 1 156 mio (single value of transaction more than PLN 10 mio).
Value of credit and refinancing for warehouses: Included above.
Company website:


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