pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank


Financing Provider of the Year, Poland

Name of company:

pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank

Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate:

Dr. Walter Hampel based in Munich/Germany

Short description of the company, including which sectors you operate in in Poland:

pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank is a specialist bank for commercial real estate finance and public investment finance. In CEE, we look at Poland and the Czech Republic and at Budapest.

Why company should be considered for the award:

-Arranger,Facility&Security Agent in a €132mio club deal to BlackRock Europe Property Fund for two shopping centers,Poland -Joint Arranger in a €190mio club deal to support ECE fund&Resolution Property acquisition of Poznan City Center -Arranger&Sole Lender of a €33mio loan to Tristan Capital Partners for an office building in Prague -Arranger&Sole Lender of a € 39mio medium-term acquisition facility for a fund advised by Meyer Bergman, for Prague Fashion Arena -Arranger&Sole Lender of a € 55mio loan to W.P.Carey’s managed REITs for an office building in Warsaw -Arranger&Sole Lender of a €21mio loan to CBRE EuropeanShoppingCentreFund for the acquisition of Galeria Mazovia in Plock -Mandated Lead Arranger,facility&security agent of a €215mio pan-CEE facility to Point Park Properties

Value of transactions in the real estate market in 2014 (in EUR):


Portfolio of credit transactions in 2014:


Value of credit and refinancing for shopping centres in 2014 (in EUR):


Value of credit and refinancing for offices in 2014 (in EUR):


Value of credit and refinancing for warehouses in 2014 (in EUR):


Company website:




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