
Office Agency Team of the Year, Poland

Name of company:


Department head/team leader:

Bartosz Kozieł, Marcin Wasilewski, Andrzej Włodarski, Łukasz Wasilewski

Brief description of the company and team:

Nuvalu was formed in early 2009 and rapidly gained a significant position on the market. The agency does more than its best: a motto that inspires the team every day and drives it to work harder for its clients.

Why your team should be considered for the award: Nuvalu has introduced a new level of quality to the commercial real estate advising market. Nuvalu’s team consists of ten experienced and dedicated work brokers providing the highest level of service to both tenants and the owners. Its mission is to combine a professional approach with the knowledge and experience acquired through working with leading Polish and international companies. It advises clients with passion and sincerity about the entire range of services relating to the commercial real estate market. An experienced team offering assistance throughout the lease, purchase and sale processes of commercial spaces, both in Warsaw and in other major cities in Poland, tackling the challenges that other companies write off as impossible. It offers clients services which bring real financial benefits.

Company website:


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