Award: Law Firm of the Year, Poland
Name of company: MILLER CANFIELD
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Dr. Andrzej Chełchowski, Resident Director of Miller Canfield Warsaw's office; Dr. Konrad Marciniuk, Co-director of the Polish Real Estate Group
Short description of the company and team: The firm was established in 1852 in USA, and has been in Poland since 1992 (Warsaw-Gdynia-Wrocław). We offer a broad array of services in over 55 areas in Poland, USA, Canada, Mexico, China and India.
Major clients: Real property investors Banks & investment funds Retail developers & operators Shopping center & office building developers & tenants Logistic & warehouses’ developers & tenants Hotel owners & operators Infrastructure contractors & operators Construction firms Private & public hospitals
Portfolio (major deals): Ongoing expansion of super- and hypermarket chain for one of the market leaders (since 1997) Motorways (execution and management of a number of EPC contracts) Development of the National Maritime Safety System Construction of Broadband Internet Networks (under PPP schemes) Development and commercialization of large shopping centers Financing of a number of major development projects (construction loans for office & residential buildings, and commercial properties)
Participation in property sales and acquisitions: In 2013 our team advised in complex acquisition transactions of existing shopping centers, office buildings, and other commercial developments. Many transactions involved specific considerations due to complex legal status of the property, permitting process or particular business requirements.
Participation in development projects: In 2013 our team advised on large development projects covering all legal aspects of financing, land acquisition, permitting, environmental, construction issues and dispute resolution. Many projects involved specific considerations, e.g. projects implemented under the PPP schemes.
Please say why you should be considered for the award.: Miller Canfield Real Estate Group consists of qualified experts, including acquisition and development, leasing, zoning, tax, finance, permitting, and environmental, works together to offer major clients from several industries the best service for all aspects of their real property transactions. In 2013 the Firm has advised on significant property transactions, spanning from expansion of the super and hypermarket retail chain to the development and commercialization of a number of shopping centers for different investors. We’ve also been involved in development of the National Maritime Safety System, various motorways projects, the Regional Broadband Networks (under PPP schemes), and waste to energy projects.
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