Award: Law Firm of the Year, Poland
Name of company: MILLER CANFIELD
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Dr. Konrad Marciniuk, Dr. Andrzej Chełchowski
Short description of the company and team: Miller Canfield provides comprehensive legal advices to multinational companies, financial institutions and smaller companies, as well as municipalities, universities, hospitals and associations in matters relating to the acquisition, leasing and development of real estate. The firm’s Polish offices, located in Gdynia, Warsaw & Wrocław, ensure for clients a direct and easy contact with our lawyers
Key current clients: Among our key clients are: retail (hypermarkets & supermarkets), shopping center, industrial facility, office building, and private/public hospital operators, housing/retail/office/logistics/healthcare facilities developers, lenders/borrowers, government entities, landlords/tenants, buyers/sellers.
Participation in property sales and acquisitions between November 2014 and October 2015: During that period we advised in large scale portfolio acquisition of mix-use properties (commercial/office), sale of city centre shopping mall in regional city, sale of office building in Warsaw, sale of hospital, large number (more than ten) of real estate sale projects.
Participation in development projects between November 2014 and October 2015: During that period we advised on five large scale residential projects in Warsaw, one in Poznań, and one in Wrocław. We also advised on development of seven retail park projects, four logistics centre/warehouse projects, development of long term care project, extension of two shopping centres. Additionally, we were involved in PPP project involving extension of a shopping mall combine with construction of a public parking; and in financing of construction of the hospital.
Total value of the transactions on which your company adviced between November 2014 and October 2015: Over EUR 200.000.000
Please say why you should be considered for the award.: Number and nature of transactions on which we advised in 2015 confirm our team’s capability to undertake even the most challenging property projects. Over the last 20 years we have participated in more than four hundred various multi-million real property transactions. We provide services which cover all aspects of real property transactions, including: purchase & sale of real property, complex & simple lease forms, sale & leaseback provisions. We handle legal aspects of real property development including contracts related to design, construction and commercialization. Our services extend to the sale and lease of premises & facility management contracts as well as the area of real property financing.
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