Award: Tax & Financial Consultancy of the Year, Poland
Name of company: KPMG
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Honorata Green (Partner/M&A Tax), Anna Sinczuk (Partner/International Tax), Rafał Owczarek (Partner/Deal Advisory)
Short description of the company and team: KPMG has over 1,200 professionals in Warsaw, Kraków, Łódź, Poznań, Wrocław, Gdańsk and Katowice including 110 professionals in our Real Estate Group working with other KPMG offices in the CEE and globally.
Major current clients: P3, TPG, Segro Group, CA Immo, UBM, Apollo Rida, Accession Fund GLL, Trei, EACC, Devin, Kwasa Europe, Unibail-Rodamco, CBRE, DTZ, Ronson, Bouygues, Polonia Property Funds, JLL, Echo Investments, Celtic Property, MLP Group, MEAG, Skanska Property, Neinver, RREEF
Major projects between November 2014 and October 2015: Advisory in acquisitions/sale of real estate, eg. transaction of disposal of logistics assets portfolio by CA Immo to P3 and acquisition of retail properties business of Inter Ikea Center Group by IKEA Group. Tax structuring and restructuring advisory involving completion of step up liquidation for one of the most significant real estate portfolios in Poland. Other advisory, including obtaining of positive supreme court verdicts for German real estate funds confirming their Polish CIT exemption.
Value of transactions on the real estate market the company participated between November 2014 and October 2015 (in EUR): Confidential
Please say why your team should be considered for the award.: KPMG provides a broad scope of services and is responsible for some of the largest real estate groups. KPMG has been involved in numerous transactions including buyer side due services for the acquisition of a significant warehouse portfolio and the acquisition of a retail property company. According to ranking of Thomson Reuters SDC KPMG is M&A transactions leader in Poland. KPMG experts were distinguished in several categories in the IX edition of the ranking of tax advisory companies organized by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. KPMG is devoted to assisting our clients in improving their bottom line through such services as the recovery of overpaid taxes and assisting in structuring property transactions in the most tax-efficient manner.KPMG issues Guide to Taxes on real Estate in CEE and CIS
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