Award: Property Management Company of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Knight Frank
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Monika A. Dębska – Pastakia, Partner and Chairman of the Board
Short description of the company : Knight Frank manages the largest office and mixed use property portfolio in Poland, undertaken for predominantly international funds and selected Polish investment funds. Our Property Management team consists of over 60 highly experienced property managers, technical managers with expertise in technical management and engineering, as well as accountancy/bookkeeping staff.
Key current clients: Bergold, DEKA Immobilien, Immofinanz, Invesco Real Estate, Griffin Real Estate, Mosaic Property, Octava, Peakside Polonia Management, Raiffeisen Capital Management, SEB Investment
Key projects your company worked on between November 2014 and October 2015 : Hotel Intercontinental, Warsaw, 54,450 sqm; Miasteczko Orange, Warsaw, 44,850 sqm; Andersia Tower, Poznań, 35,750 sqm; Bema Plaza, Wrocław, 35,000 sqm; Park Postępu, Warsaw, 34,000 sqm; Trinity Park III, Warsaw, 32,500 sqm; North Gate, Warsaw, 30,320 sqm; Brama Zachodnia, Warsaw, 26,870 sqm; Supersam Shopping Centre, Katowice, 23,400 sqm; Equator, Warsaw, 23,310 sqm; Centrum Biurowe Lubicz I and II, Cracow, 21,255 sqm; Nimbus, Warsaw, 19,530 sqm; Harmony Office Center II, Warsaw, 18,200 sqm
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Knight Frank is the market leader managing a portfolio of over 80 commercial buildings, totalling approximately 1,300,00 sqm, including offices, retail, hotels and logistics/industrial properties. During the last 12 months we secured property management mandates for 17 properties, totalling some 320,600 sqm and incorporating SIM/SEB property portfolio, Supersam Shopping Centre in Katowice, Malopolska Information Technology Park (MPTI) in Cracow, Silver Tower in Wrocław, MLP Tychy logistics park. During 2014–2015 we successfully executed BREEAM-In-Use certifications of 15 buildings achieving very good and excellent results. We provide ongoing support and advice to our clients to create the most ecological, sustainable and user friendly premises for the end-users.
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