Award: Green Services Provider of the Year, Poland
Name of company: JLL
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Tomasz Trzósło, Managing Director Poland
Short description of the company : JLL Project & Development Services (P&DS) is one of the largest teams of engineers with experience in sustainable building in Poland - 2 LEED APs, 5 LEED GAs, BREEAM International Assessor and BREEAM In-Use Auditor. JLL offers complex, unique green professional services and is dedicated to the idea of sustainability by promoting and implementing green strategies for clients as well as internally.
New technology solutions/services offered: New service line within PDS has been opened in Poland: Workplace Strategy, helping clients' business adapt to rapidly evolving market conditions and commercial priorities. JLL's team develops, implements and manages a strategy that transforms work, optimizes space and enhances employee experience.
Major current clients: Centrum Bankowo – Finansowe ”Nowy Świat” S.A., Concept Development BSD Sp. z o.o., S+B Gruppe, Heitman, Rondo 1 UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG
Projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015: JLL recent completed projects include: Concept Tower (LEED C&S certification in the Final Review Stage, BREEAM Final cert. achieved in 2014), Marynarska Business Park BREEAM In-Use certificate Part 1 – Very Good achieved.
Projects in progress: LEED EBOM recertification of Rondo 1 - unique office building in Warsaw; Concept Tower office building (Warsaw, LEED cert.), CBF office and retail building (Warsaw, LEED cert.). Key CEE projects include: LEED Core& Shell certification of office buildings in Prague and Bucharest for AFI Europe.
Please say why you should be considered for the award: JLL has both innovation and know -how in the field of sustainability – it was one of the first in Poland to provide green professional consulting. JLL’s team is highly experienced in LEED and BREEAM certifications for new and existing buildings as well as Energy Audits enabling owners to improve energy efficiency. JLL exemplary achievement is LEED certification of Zebra Tower - the first newly constructed office building with LEED and the first LEED Core&Shell in Poland. JLL is completing LEED C&S and BREEAM of Concept Tower (the first double certification in Poland). JLL leads prestigious projects, including LEED EBOM recertification of Rondo 1. JLL conducts projects across CEE and implements green solutions internally (process of BREEAM certification of its new office in Warsaw Spire).
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