Award: Property Management Company of the Year, Poland
Name of company: JLL
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Virginie de-Baere, Head of Property Management Poland
Short description of the company : JLL Property Management team, with over 70 professionals, is one of the largest, most experienced and innovative teams in Poland. JLL manages a portfolio over 85 properties for numerous institutional and private investors in three asset classes - retail, office and industrial. The total managed area amounts to nearly 1 million sqm of properties both in major agglomerations and smaller cities.
Key current clients: Key current clients include: Asbud, Aviva, Balmain AM, Bergold, Blackstone, Catalyst Capital, Centerscape, Deka, Deutsche Asset& Wealth Management, GE Capital RE, HB Reavis, Heitman, Peakside, PKO TFI, Pointpark, Sachsenfonds, Tritax and, WP Carey
Key projects your company worked on between November 2014 and October 2015 : Major new instructions in Poland include: flagship CEE office building Rondo 1 (65,000 sqm, Warsaw), Karolkowa Business Park (18,500 sqm, Warsaw), Atrium Centrum (17,400 sqm, Warsaw), Atrium Plaza (14,700 sqm, Warsaw), Wojdyła Business Park (27,700 sqm, Wrocław), Silver Forum (16,200 sqm, Wrocław), portfolio of marcredo retail schemes (93,000 sqm - Kutno, Ciechanów, Szczecin, Piekary Śląskie, Poznań, Józefosław, Lubin).
Please say why you should be considered for the award: We are not a volume player but quality player. Why us? 1 million sqm under management; over 70 highly professional property managers with average of 8 years PM expertise; rent collection rate above 96% (dedicated debt collection team); savings achieved in terms of OPEX expenditures - 2.1 million PLN; 24,000 sqm of leasing coordination deals in 2015; mandate on flagship CEE office building Rondo 1. JLL PM is Solid Team – highly valued by Fund – Asset Management players. JLL PM is Innovative Team – knowledge and expertise on retail, office and industrial-logistic assets. JLL PM is Prime Team - JLL Prime Asset Services focused on high rise and prime assets, innovative management solutions. In addition, JLL PM shows strong capabilities on Property and SPV Accounting reporting.
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