Grontmij Polska Sp. z o.o.

Award: Green Services Provider of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Grontmij Polska Sp. z o.o.
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Maciej Chrzanowski
Short description of the company : Grontmij is a leading european consulting and engineering company with a yearly turnover of over 900 million euro and approximately 8000 engineers employed. Grontmij has BREEAM consultants in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Poland, Germany, Turkey and France. In Poland Grontmij is leader in BREEAM certifications.
Major Clients: Acteeum, AIG Lincoln, APSYS, Avestus Real Estate, AZORA, BBI Development, BUMA, Cushman&Wakefield, HB REAVIS, Hochtief, Ghelamco, Griffin Real Estate, ECHO Investement, Kulczyk Silverstein Properties, Okre Development, METRO Properties, Polnord, TPS, TriGranit
Projects completed: Trinity Park III, Ghelamco (First BREEAM cerificate in Poland); 3 Stawy APSYS (First BREEAM in Use) Ghelamco, Marynarska (First BREEAM Excellent in PL)
Projects in progress: Hala Koszyki, Plac Zamkowy, Warsaw Spire, Mazowiecka 2/4, Copernicus Square
Company website :
Please say why you should be considered for the award: In Poland Grontmij is leader in BREEAM certifications. We were the first to achieve BREEAM New Build and BREEAM In-Use certificates for buildings in Poland. We are responsible for certification of about 80 new and more than 60 used buildings all over Poland. We were the first to achieve a BREEAM EXCELLENT certificate for a building in Poland.
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