Griffin Real Estate

Award: Investor of the Year, CEE
Name of company: Griffin Real Estate
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: CEO & Founder Przemyslaw Krych
Description of company and team: Griffin is a dynamically growing investment group operating on the real estate market in CEE region. As a leading investor, is responsible for the the acquisition of the majority stake in Echo Investment. Continuing to pursue the opportunistic investment strategies, Griffin continues to grow its portfolio by adding attractive retail and office buildings and investment land.
Regions active in (in which countries the company operates): Poland
Portfolio: Development office + retail: 425 000 sqm GLA after construction Resi: 180 000 sqm PUM Land bank for all functions: 3 150 000 sqm of plot area.
Office projects included in the portfolio: Office yielding: 255 000 sqm GLA, Griffin's portfolio: (except Echo Investment's portfolio) major projects: Hala Koszyki in Warsaw, Centrum Biurowe Lubicz I&II in Cracow, Green Horizon in Lodz, Company House I&II
The value of office properties held by investor (in EUR): confidential information
Retail projects included in the portfolio: Retail yielding: 370 000 sqm GLA. Griffin's portfolio: (except Echo Investment's portfolio): major projects: Hala Koszyki in Warsaw,DH Renoma in Wroclaw, Supersam in Katowice, a student housing network Student Depot (Salsa in Lodz,Polonez in Poznan)
The value of retail properties held by investor (in EUR) : confidential information
Warehouse projects: --
The value of warehouse properties held by investor (in EUR): --
The largest purchase transactions between November 2014 and October 2015 (subject of the transaction, its total take up area and value in EUR): Indirect takeover of 65,99% of Echo Investment SA’s real estate portfolio by a Fund managed by Griffin. The total book value of the properties (data of 31.12.2014) is 6,5 billion PLN.
Future plans : Continuing the current strategy opportunistic investor. Opening flagship investment - Hala Koszyki in Warsaw.
The value of the funds for the investment, whether the investor is permanently established in countries in the region, the number of employees: confidential information
Acquisition activity across the CEE real estate markets between November 2014 and October 2015: confidential information
Why the company deserves the award (in a paragraph you can describe the specific achievements of the company): As a leading investor, Griffin Real Estate is responsible for the largest transaction on the commercial real property market in the recent years in Poland – the acquisition of the majority stake in Echo Investment. Continuing to pursue the opportunistic investment strategies, Griffin continues to grow its portfolio by adding attractive retail and office buildings and investment land. Over the last 12 months alone, Griffin has invested more than EUR 500 million of its own capital in projects. In the upcoming year the company intends to maintain its position as the leading investor on the Polish commercial real property market.The company’s flagship investment consists of revitalizing Hala Koszyki and creating a multi purpose complex there.
Company website :


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