Greenberg Traurig Grzesiak sp.k.

Award: Law Firm of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Greenberg Traurig Grzesiak sp.k.
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Marek Grodek
Short description of the company and team: Greenberg Traurig real estate team in Poland represents lenders, borrowers and the best real estate investors in Poland in a complex real estate financings and investments.
Major clients: Blackstone, Kravco, Aerium, Griffin Real Estate, M3 Capital Partners, Provident Capital, Grupa Azoty, Apsys, BEG, Polimex, Valad, MidEuropa Partners.
Portfolio (major deals): Acquisitions by Blackstone – value EUR345m; Marguerite investment in waste incineration plant in Poznan – value PLN725m; development projects by Kravco and Blackstone
Participation in property sales and acquisitions: Acquisition by Blackstone of 14 logistics centers from Panattoni, Standard Life and Promerica; and of logistic centres in Piaseczno and Łódź from Peakside.
Participation in development projects: Development of a new shopping centre in Ełk by Kravco (EUR32m), extension of shopping centres in Kłodzko, Leszno (EUR75m) and Magnolia Centre in Wroclaw (EUR25m) by Blackstone
Please say why you should be considered for the award.: Greenberg Traurig’s real estate team represents lenders, borrowers and investors in a wide range of complex real estate financings and investments. It takes part in the biggest real estate transactions in Poland, around 20% of the total volume of transactions, including the first and the biggest IPO in Central and Eastern Europe of a Polish Real Estate Holding PHN, a state-owned company with 305,000 square meters GLA of office, retail, logistic and residential properties, where the team represented underwriters. Greenberg Traurig also represented Blackstone in its acquisitions in Poland, Kravco in the development of shopping centres, Aerium which has over EUR7 bn of property assets in Europe and M3 Capital Partners which manages USD3.4 bn of equity.
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