Award: Warehouse Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: Goodman
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Błażej Ciesielczak, Regional Director, Goodman Poland
Countries in which company operates: In Europe, Goodman operates in Germany; the Netherlands; Belgium; Luxembourg; France; Spain; Italy; Poland; the Czech Republic; Hungary; Slovakia; Sweden and in the UK.
Portfolio: Projects delivered in 2013 in CEE: Pomeranian Logistics Centre in Gdańsk, Poland – 1st phase: 14,000 sqm, BTS for Walki Group, Wrocław, Poland: 10,500 sqm
Value of the projects: -
Size of the projects (GLA): 24,500 sqm (Pomeranian Logistics Centre in Gdańsk, Poland – 1st phase: 14,000 sqm, BTS for Walki Group, Wrocław, Poland: 10,500 sqm)
Short description of company: Goodman owns, develops and manages logistics and business space all over the world. It also offers a range of property funds, giving investors access specialist services and exclusive property assets.
Please say why your company should be considered for the award.: In 2013 Goodman signed an agreement for the construction of a 26,000 sqm warehouse in Sosnowiec for ILS, a subsidiary of Inter Cars, the largest automotive spare parts distributor in CEE. The new facility will be tailored to ILS’ specific requirements and used for the warehousing and distribution of automotive spare parts. At the turn of Q1 and Q2 2013 Goodman delivered the first 14,000 sqm warehouse from the Pomeranian Logistics Centre that was leased by Kuehne + Nagel and Terramar. Due to its unique location near DCT, and excellent multi-modal national and international transport connections, the first warehouse at PLC is a rare example of a speculative investment in 2013. In May Goodman delivered a 10,500 sqm production facility in Wrocław for Walki Group. In the same month, it leased a storage facility at Kraków Airport Logistics Centre to DS Smith Packaging. It has now leased a total of 55,230 sqm of space there representing over a third of the target capacity.
Company website:


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