Golub GetHouse

Award: Office Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: Golub GetHouse
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Czarek Jarząbek
Countries in which company operates: Poland, USA
Short description of the company and team: Golub GetHouse is a real estate, investment & development company with over 50 years' experience in real estate in the USA & Europe. It has expertise in construction, finance, marketing and management of commercial and residential property. Currently Golub GetHouse is delivering PRIME Corporate Center and a 130-meter tower and an adjacent building - Mennica Legacy Tower – with Mennica Polska.
Portfolio of all completed properties held by your company: International Business Center Warsaw Financial Center Warsaw Corporate Center
Value of the projects (in EUR): N/A
Size of the projects (GLA): 95 000 sqm
Properties sold between November 2014 and October 2015: N/A
Projects completed between November 2014 and Ocotber 2015: N/A
Value of the projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015, in EUR: N/A
Size of the projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015 (GLA): N/A
Projects under construction: PRIME Corporate Center
Value of the projects in progress (in EUR): N/A
Size of the projects in progress (GLA): 20 100 sqm
Projects in the pipeline: Mennica Legacy Tower - 63 800 sqm
Please say why your company should be considered for the award: Under the leadership of Czarek Jarząbek, Golub GetHouse continues the vision and passion of Eugene Golub with determination and attention to details by developing high quality commercial and residential properties that maintain long term value. Golub GetHouse has finalized the largest new office lease transaction in Poland in 2014 and leased 100% of available space in PRIME Corporate Center, a 96-meter high office tower, to Raiffeisen Polbank for bank’s new headquarters. The office building has been topped out in June 2015 and is planned to be put to use in February 2016. In early 2016, together with Mennica Polska, Golub GetHouse will begin construction of one of the largest and most awaited skyscrapers in Warsaw - Mennica Legacy Tower. Comprising a 130-meter high tower and an adjacent 36-meter building, the complex will provide nearly 65,000 sqm of state-of-the art office space just 250 meters from the "Rondo ONZ" metro station in Warsaw.
Company website: http://www.golubgethouse.pl


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