Award: Facility Management Company of the Year, Poland
Name of company: FBSerwis
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Artur Pielech, Małgorzata Wilczek
Short description of the company : FBSerwis provides innovative and efficient solutions in Facility Management and environmental services in line with the concept of Smart Cities meeting the most stringent standards of quality, health and safety and commitment to all kinds of private and public sector clients. Altogether we manage real estate and industrial portfolio of more than 1 million m2.
Key current clients: Our clients are representatives of private and public sector, different segments and business strategy form segment/ project focused to differenciated portfolio's investors. The main are Auchan, Neinver, Sea Port Gdańsk, ING Bank Śląski, PL 2012, GDDKiA.
Asset classes serviced: We manage all class of buildings being focused on industry warehouse retail and office buildings, have wide experience in sport facilities. We manage all types of installations, provide warranty management and create long term FM concepts focused on energy efficiency (CO2 reduction).
Key projects your company worked on between November 2014 and October 2015: Providing FM services at mass gathering events in PGE National Stadium securing the facility and people’s safety. Only this year we managed events for over 131,000 people combined. We provided FM services at 25 mass gathering events. We are responsible for energy supply and maintenance for Sea Port in Gdańsk; provide hard and soft services for ING HQ in Katowice, Galeria Katowicka, Galeria Malta in Poznań, production plant from military sector, data centers.
Please say why you should be considered for the award: We have been committed to improve the quality of public space and improve citizens life in private and public sector since 2012. In Cracow we modernized in 2015 city lighting infrastructure installing new 4375 LED light lamps, saving 60% of energy and enhancing citizens’ comfort and safety. Only this year we have managed to gain 23 new retail projects (Auchan), two major industrial maintenance projects and developed new products for the office sector. We have successfully implemented an innovating IT tool throughout our whole customer portfolio and introduced an EU-funded pan European project TEDS4BEE, which led to 30% energy savings in buildings with zero customer investment thanks to a digital service and mechanisms for monitoring and forecasting energy consumption.
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