Award: Facility Management Company of the Year, Poland
Name of company: FASHION HOUSE Group
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Brendon O'Reilly, Patrick Van Den Bossche
Short description of the company : Leading player in the CEE outlet sector and the largest developer/operator in Poland, Romania and Russia with a proven track record of developing and managing outlet centres in emerging markets.
Major clients: Over 250 international brands
Portfolio: Operating FASHION HOUSE Outlet Centres in Sosnowiec, Warsaw and Gdańsk (Poland), Bucharest (Romania), and Moscow (Russia).
Please say why you should be considered for the award: FASHION HOUSE Group offers services provided by a team of experts in the fields of outlet centre development, operation and management. In 2013, apart from successful management of existing properties located in Poland and Romania, the company opened its fifth centre under the FASHION HOUSE brand - the first fully-enclosed (28,640 sqm GLA) facility of this type in Russia. FASHION HOUSE Outlet Centre Moscow is one of the very first retail properties in the country constructed and managed with the consideration of pro-ecological solutions improving energy efficiency. It was awarded BREEAM Interim certificate with a “good” rate based on the design documentation. Currently, the Group focuses on development of its second project in Russia, in St Petersburg, comprising 20,260 sqm of GLA.
Company website:


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