EY Poland (recent name: Ernst & Young Poland)

Award: Tax & Financial Consultancy of the Year, Poland
Name of company: EY Poland (recent name: Ernst & Young Poland)
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Anna Kicińska, Partner RE Leader for CSE (anna.kicinska@pl.ey.com); Katarzyna Twarowska, Director Assurance(katarzyna.twarowska@pl.ey.com); Tomasz Ożdziński, Director/Tax(Tomasz.ozdzinski@pl.ey.com)
Short description of the company and team: EY Poland - international consultancy firm (assurance/ tax/finance/ consulting/law/transaction advisory services). Real Estate Group provides a comprehensive range of multidisciplinary services to investors & developers.
Major current clients: Adgar,AIB Polonia Fund/Peakside, AEW/PBW Fund,Allianz RE,Aviva,Blackrock,Blackstone,CBRE Global Investors,Dom Development,ECE,Prokom,Ghelamco,GTC,Griffin,Hotchief,ING RE,IKEA,LC Corp,Mayland,Metro,Neinver,Pekao,PKO,Polnord,PZU,Robyg,Ronson,TK Development,Tristan Capital,Vastint,Union Investment.
Major projects between November 2014 and October 2015: Transactions of acquisition and sale of several real estate commercial assets including portfolio deals.
Value of transactions on the real estate market the company participated between November 2014 and October 2015 (in EUR): Confidential
Please say why your team should be considered for the award.: We've over 15-year-long activity on the RE Polish market & the multidisciplinary team with accurate experience & knowledge,confirmed by numerous certificates & licenses, e.g. licensed property appraiser, property manager & property broker, member of RICS, CCIM, chartered accountant as well as the qualifications of ACCA.More than 7000 dedicated RE specialists worldwide,over 1000 in Europe, gives us a broader perspective on the issues that RE companies face. Provide services to 80% clients of the biggest RE companies in the world (Forbes Global 2000 List.EY Tax-the Best&Biggest Tax Advisory Firm in Poland(Gazeta Prawna's & Rzeczpospolita’s,2013&2014);awards for individual tax and legal advisors in(9th Gazeta Prawna's&Rzeczpospolita;Tax & Financial Consultancy of the Year,Eurobuild 2014
Company website: http://www.ey.com/PL/pl/Industries/Real-Estate


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