EY Poland (Ernst & Young)

Award: Tax & Financial Consultancy of the Year, Poland
Name of company: EY Poland (Ernst & Young)
Department head or senior representative in Poland, real estate: Anna Kicińska (partner, Transaction Support & Appraisal Services), Michał Thedy (director, Tax Services), Jarosław Dac (partner, Audit Services)
Short description of the company and team: EY Poland is an international consultancy firm (assurance/tax/transactions/advisory/law). Real Estate Group provides a comprehensive range of multidisciplinary services to RE investors & developers.
Major clients: AIB Polonia/Peakside, AEW/PBW, Allianz RE, Aviva RE Funds, Baltic Property, Casinos Poland; CBRE Global Investors, Decathlon, Dom Development, ECE, Griffin, InterIKEA, Mayland, Metro, Neinver, Pekao, Pirelli RE, PKO Inwestycje, Polnord, PZU Asset Management, Robyg, Ronson, TK Develompent, Tristan CP
Major projects: Examples: We helped with the acquisition of Silesia, one of the biggest transactions in the Eastern Europe (value: over 400mln euro; tax & financial support). We supported Tristan Capital Partners in acquisition of shares of 5 shopping centers in Poland (value: 175mln euro; tax & financial support)
Value of transactions on the real estate market the company participated in.: ca 2890 mln euro
Please say why your team should be considered for the award.: We have 15-year-long activity on the RE Polish market & the multidisciplinary team with accurate experience & knowledge. Our experts’ knowledge is confirmed by numerous certificates & licenses (e.g.: licensed property appraiser, property manager & property broker, member of RICS, chartered accountant as well as the qualifications of ACCA). More than 7000 dedicated RE specialists worldwide, over 1000 in Europe, gives us a broader perspective on the issues that RE companies face. We are the authors of the book (title: ‘Opodatkowanie rynku nieruchomości’) related to tax issues for RE industry in Poland. In 2013 EY won first prizes in two Polish Tax Advisors rankings published by “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna” and “Rzeczpospolita” (the Most Effective Tax Advisor; the Biggest Tax Advisory Firm).
Company website: http://www.ey.com/PL/pl/Industries/Real-Estate


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