Europtima Sp. z o.o.

Award: Building Consultancy of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Europtima Sp. z o.o.
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Magdalena Gutowska
Short description of the company: Europtima provides professional construction and real estate consulting services to investors, developers, end users, operators and financial institutions.
Major current clients: APSYS, Bergold Group, BGK Bank, Bouygues Immobilier, BZWBK Bank, Ghelamco, GTC, Hines, ING Bank, Karimpol, LHI, Raiffeisen Polbank, Saller, SUD Architectes, Yareal.
Key projects worked on between November 2014 and October 2015 : Warsaw Spire (construction site inspectors), Neopark office building (investor’s supervision), Prime Corporate Center (quality check, advisory services), TVP Building demolition (civil engineering services), University Business Park Łódź (project management, construction site inspectors, tenants coordination), Manufaktura Praska (project management, construction site inspectors), Konstancińska Apartments (project management, construction site inspectors), Posnania Shopping Center (Bank Monitor)
Value of real estate-related services provided between November 2014 and October 2015 (in EUR): 1,117,215.00 EUR
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Although we've been in the real estate and construction business for over two decades, we've never had so many positive changes in one year, under new management: we celebrated 25th anniversary we moved to new modern office we doubled the company’s turnover we doubled the number of our staff we gained new prestigious and challenging projects (eg Warsaw Spire) we promoted innovative solutions: Integrated Project Delivery – new method of project implementation and Europtima One Contract – opportunity for our Clients to outsource design-build process. We continue to offer advisory services to our Clients, saving their money and reducing investment risk. Striving to achieve their satisfaction is at the heart of every our action. We are proud of what we achieved in such a short time.
Company website:


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