Echo Investment SA


Office Developer of the Year, CEE

Name of company:

Echo Investment SA

Countries in which company operates:

Poland, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine

Name of president or managing director for the region:

Piotr Gromniak

Brief description of the company and team:

Echo is among the largest investment companies with Polish capital in Europe. The company realises projects in four sectors: housing, shopping and shopping centres, office buildings and hotels.

Why the company should be considered for the award: First of all, in December of 2012, Echo completed one of its biggest office building projects: Malta Office Park in Poznań. In the past 12 months, Echo Investment has been very active in office sector. In Warsaw, it is in the process of designing and obtaining administrative decisions for three major office projects, with a total office area of 130,000 sqm. In Kraków, Echo is going to develop a complex of three office buildings with a total area of 57,000 sqm. Also in Katowice and Gdańsk, the developer is at the stage of submission of applications for planning permission for two large office projects (in Katowice, 31,000 sqm and in Gdańsk 21,000 sqm). In Kyiv it plans to build a huge business office park. This project consists of six buildings with a total area of 100,000 sqm.

Company website:


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