Office Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company:
Echo Investment SA
Name of President or Managing Director for the region:
Piotr Gromniak
Countries in which company operates:
Poland, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine
Aquarius Business House, Athina Park, Park Postępu, Malta Office Park…
Value of the projects (in EUR):
55,2 mln euro
Size of the projects (GLA):
362 100
Projects completed in 2014:
Park Rozwoju in Warszawa I stage, A4 Business Park I stage.,
Value of the projects completed in 2014:
4,6 mln euro
Size of the projects completed in 2014 (GLA):
Projects in progress:
Opolska Busines Park, Park Rozwoju II stage, Tryton Busines Park, West Gate. A4 Busieness Park II stage, Q22.
Value of the projects in progress:
36,7 mln euro
Size of the projects in progress (GLA):
126 440
Short description of the company and team:
Echo Investment is among the largest investment and developer companies with Polish capital in Europe. The company has already completed over 100 projects.
Why company should be considered for the award:
Echo Investment in 2014 completed the first stage of Park Rozwoju in Warsaw and the first stage of A4 Business Park in Katowice. The total area of the Park Rozwoju is 32,000 sqm. The buildings will have car park offering a total of 740 spaces. Buildings of PR are erected on a former warehousing site, which is our contribution to revitalising the neighbourhood. The second stage of the Park office complex has obtained a BREEAM Interim certificate at the Excellent level. The A4 Business Park project consists of three buildings. The first building was completed in 2014 and this phase offers 9,000 sqm and it has been leased in its entirety by the IBM IT. The buildings have been designed with care for quality and safety. A4 obtained a BREEAM Interim certificate with a ‘very good’ grade.
Company website:
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