Echo Investment Property Management

Award: Property Manager of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Echo Investment Property Management
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Wojciech Knawa
Short description of the company : EIPM currently manages a portfolio of 16 properties with a gross leasable area of 370,000 sqm and services app. 820 tenants. This include 6 office buildings, 10 shopping centres
Major clients: Echo Investment
Portfolio: 16 properties with a gross leasable area of 370,000 sqm
Please say why you should be considered for the award: We are currently present on the markets of Warsaw, Wrocław, Szczecin, Poznań and Kielce as well as in several smaller towns: Piotrków, Bełchatów, Jelenia Góra, Tarnów, Pabianice and Przemyśl. Teams of EI PM and FM consist of 60 qualified specialists with a long-term experience in the property management industry. One of the most important elements of property management is the ability to combine people’s work, management processes and advance technologies necessary for the correct functioning of the building environment. Specialist systems used in modern buildings that ensure the correct functioning of facilities require qualified staff to supervise the operations of all technical systems and maintain an undisturbed functioning of the facility in a professional and responsible way.
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