Echo Investment

Award: Office Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: Echo Investment
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Piotr Gromniak CEO
Countries in which company operates: Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary
Portfolio : 6 office projects launched in 2013, 1 project will be completed in 10.2013
Value of the projects: 100 MLN PLN (Aquarius Business House)
Size of the projects (GLA): 9 500 Aqaurius Business House (II phase)
Short description of the company and team: Echo Investment SA has already completed over 100 projects in several Polish cities, with a total area of ca. 900,000 sqm. The company is also manages investments in Romania, Hungary and in Ukraine.
Please say why your company should be considered for the award: In 2013 Echo Investment is active on the office market and developed its projects in accordance with the adopted schedule. In H1 of this year the company started the construction of its largest office project called Q22 in Warsaw. At the end of 2012, the company celebrated the completion of its hundredth project i.e. the first stage of the Aquarius Business House office project in Wrocław. The construction of its second stage is currently nearing completion. The final preparations for the launch of the West Gate are currently in progress. The first stage of the A4 Business Park office building is under construction in Katowice. The construction of the Tryton in Gdańsk in autumn 2013. Park Rozwoju – modern office building is under construction in Warsaw, at Konstruktorska Street.
Company website: www.echo,


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