Echo Investment

Award: Retail Developer of the Year, CEE
Name of company: Echo Investment
Name of President or Managing Director for the region: Piotr Gromniak
Countries in which company operates: Poland, Romania, Hunagry, Ukraine
Short description of the company and team:: Echo Investment SA is among the largest Polish investment and developer companies. The company realizes investments in four key sectors of the real estate market: housing, shopping centers, office buildings and hotels. The company has already completed over 100 projects in several Polish cities, with a total area of ca. 1 000 000 sqm.
Portfolio of all completed properties held by your company:: Total size: 427 000 sqm Szczecin Galaxy, Kielce Pasaż Świętokrzyski, Wrocław Pasaż Grunwaldzki, Kielce Galeria Echo (extension), Outlet Park Szczecin (etap I), Bełchatów Galeria Olimpia , Galeria Veneda Łomża, Galeria Amber Kalisz, Jelenia Góra Galeria Sudecka, CH Echo Siemianowice and more
Value of the projects (in EUR): -
Size of the projects (GLA): 427 000 sqm
Projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015: Galeria Sudecka Jelenia Góra 35 000 sqm
Properties sold between November 2014 and October 2015:: none
Value of the projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015: -
Size of the projects completed between November 2014 and October 2015 (GLA): 35 000 sqm
Projects in progress: Galeria Echo Katowice 42 000 sqm GLA, Galaxy (extension) 17 000 sqm
Value of the projects in progress: -
Size of the projects in progress (GLA): 59 000 sqm
Please say why your company should be considered for the award: Echo Investment was very active in retail sector in 2014/2015. Besides opening of Galeria Sudecka, the company developed II phase od Outlet Park Szczecin. In the pipeline we can find several projects – Galeria Echo in Katowice and extension of CHR Galaxy in Szczecin. Echo Katowice is being developed in the southern part of Katowice, on Tadeusza Kościuszki Street – one of the main traffic routes in the city which is used by as many as 15,000 cars per hour. Before the concept of the centre was developed, the potential of its location had been analysed carefully. A research carried out by GfK Polonia confirmed the assets of the southern part of Katowice. Expectations of both residents and tenants were studied. Galeria Echo Katowice will be built on a plot with an area of 54,000 sqm. The facility will offer a retail and entertainment area of 42,000 sqm on three floors.
Company website:


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