Award: Property Manager of the Year, Poland
Name of company: DTZ
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Alan Colquhoun
Short description of the company : DTZ exists on the Polish market since 1994 and is a global leader in property services, providing occupiers and investors around the world with industry leading, end-to-end property solutions.
Major clients: CBRE GI, Unibail Rodamco, Charter Hall, Balmain Asset Management, Ghelamco, ARKA BZWBK, VALAD
Portfolio: 1.1 sqm under DTZ's management in Poland
Please say why you should be considered for the award: DTZ's Property Management has over 19 years experience in managing business and retail space. Since 1994 we are significantly growing our business reaching Top 2 in Q3 2013 in Property Management in Poland. DTZ Property Management has over 170 dedicated specialists.
Company website:


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