Cushman & Wakefield

Award: Property Management Company of the Year, Poland
Name of company: Cushman & Wakefield
Managing Director or senior representative in Poland : Charles Taylor, Head of Poland
Short description of the company : Cushman & Wakefield is a global leader in commercial real estate services with 43000 employees in more than 60 countries. We provide services from property due diligence during acquisition, through day-to-day operations, to value realization through a sale or refinancing.
Key current clients: CA Immo,Starwood CG,DeAWM,CBRE GI,VALAD,Tristan CP,Invesco,Rockspring,Unibail-Rodamco,Ghelamco,Credit Suisse,BZ WBK,St Martins,Akron Group,Vienna Insurance Group,Revetas Capital,Union Investment,TK Development,Corpus Sireo,Bergold Group,Oberhausen,Octava SA,ING Lease,SG Fortune MA, Bałtyckie CB
Key projects your company worked on between November 2014 and October 2015 : Portfel CA Immo, Portfel Starwood Capital Group, Portfel DeAWM, Portfel Tristan Capital Partners, Green Horizon, CH Nowy Rynek, CH Plejada, CH Indomo, CH Jeziorak, CH ECHO, CH King Square, CH Ster, Athina Park, Alliance Silesia Logistic Center, Pasaż Rąbin, CH City, Szczecin Office Building, Kraków Business Park, Wadowicka 8W, Wallenroda Office Building, IBP Poznań, Indesit, Krakowska Distribution Park, Production Facility
Please say why you should be considered for the award: Between November 2014 and October 2015 Cushman & Wakefield Asset Services provided full service property management including leasing, marketing and corporate accounting services on the entire CBRE GI portfolio including the landmark Zlote Tarasy in Warsaw. We have provided management services for the entire retail portfolio of Tristan Capital Partners together with the property management of the Starwood, CA Immo and DeAWM office portfolios and the logistics portfolio for Valad. The new Cushman & Wakefield Asset Services in Poland combines an unprecedented level of expertise and experience in the retail, office and logistics sectors in one full service management provider with over 1,5M sqm under management.
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